Admiralty residence fatmawati

admiralty residence fatmawati dijual sale tanah kavling

Admiralty residence terletak di jl RS fatmawati no 1 pondok labu jakarta selatan

Dijual tanah kavling luas 600 sqm

Harga price Rp 8 juta per meter. sudah terjual

Tanah kavling bentuk kotak dan di hoek huk.

admiralty residence fatmawati raya jakarta selatan

Model rumah minimalis , lingkungan asri.



Rumah cluster ini dilengkapi lapangan tennis , kolam renang , etc.

Located minutes from the upscale pondok indah township , city green heart is an exclusive collection of properties developed accross 18 hectares of land space.

A true urban retreat complete with lush greeneries , sound infrastructure N integrated facilities exceeds every home owner expectation.

In addition to the property’s unique characteristics, its strategic location , next to jakarta outer ring road ( pondok indah ) provides easy access for both residents N visitors alike.

A safe secure , fun environment is an address where a harmonious community is found.

Development by harmas.

Admiralty residence club house

Admiralty will soon feature a membership club house filled with facilities catering those who seek an active lifestyle . Residence within cluster have convenience of proximity to access private club house.

Bila interest beli mohon contact edyzen hp 0811192961  ,  08788 1531238 , very thank ya.

Admiralty residence tempat yang baik investasi.

One thought on “Admiralty residence fatmawati

  1. Pak Edyzen perkenalkan saya minat dengan lokasi kvling yg di admiralty untuknharga tanahnya permeternya netnya sampai berapa kira2 …mohon dkabari by mail.



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