bumimas apartment

bumimas apartment 2 bedrooms, 1 maid room, 126 sqm, furnished, view pool, price for rent $ 1200/ month

Location bumimas apartment  is jalan terogong raya , near jakarta international school, near fatmawati road, south jakarta.

Bumimas apartment has 2 tower apartment north and south, with facilities : swimming pool, children playground, bbq area, kid room, star mart, cafe, etc.

contact person  :  edyzen hp 08111 92961 ,  08788 153 1238

email  :  edyzen AT propertypilihan DOT com

Bila ada pemilik unit apartment berminat titip jual or sewa mohon hub edy di no hp diatas , saya berharap dapat membantu mr / ms / mrs. Thanks ya

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