kemang village apartment dijual

kemang village apartment dijual for sale

Kemang village apartment dijual di south jakarta

size 143 sqm , 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1 study , plus maid rm

type R2-A finishing titanium

harga jual , price for sale Rp 3,4m sudah terjual

berada di tower Ritz

Contact edyzen hp 0811192961 , 087881531238 Ada lagi dijual di tower empire

luas 98 meter , ceiling tinggi , unit G

sudah renovasi dan furnished lantai tinggi

2 kamar tidur Harga jual , price for sale Rp 2,25m sold

Kemang village apartment info tower ritz dan empire

Apartment tower ritz suite and grand

1 floor = 5 unit apartment

ukuran = 205,4 m2 ( 4 kmr ) type R4-D

165,5 m2 ( 3 bedr ) R3-C

148,2 m2 ( 2 BR ) R2 -B

143,1 m2 ( 2 BR ) R2-A

Apartment twr ritz royal

Ls 333,8 m2 – R4-H lower ; 4 BR

Ls 276,7 m2 – R4-G ; 4 BR

Ls 263,7 m2 – R4-H ; 3 BR

Ls 333,8 m2 – R3-E ; 3 BR

Apartment garden villa Ls 205,4m2 , 4 kmr

apartment Ritz penthouse

Ls 512,2 m2 , tipe R5-J , 5 BR

Ls 316,6 m2 , R4-I , 4 BR

Height lantai ke lnt

penhouse 5,2 m

garden villa 7 m

suite 3,5 m

gran 3,7 m

royal suit 7,4 m karena mempunyai 2 lanta

Private lift with foyer

Dirancang oleh designer and consultant kelas berat

Memiliki balkon besar dengan lantai keramik kualitas bagus, dan laminated glass railing Bintang lima pelayanan mewah

6 lapis keamanan smart kartu akses

kemang village empire suite residence ( sudah jadi , telah dihuni )

Ls 132,2 m2  , E3-B , 3 BR , E3-D , E3-A , E3-C

Ls  73,7 m2 , E2-A , 2 BR

Ls 89,8 m2 , E2-B , 2 BR

Ls 98,6 m2 , E2-C , 2 BR

tinggi ceiling floor to flr

untuk type suite 3,2 mtr

empire grand 3,5 m

empire penthouse 3,9 m

Menara empire berada di atas mol kemang village.

Address lokasi : 36 P antasari kemang jakarta selatan 12150 indonesia

Kemang village residences

For residences apartment terdiri dari : empire , ritz , cosmopolitan , infinity , tiffany , intercon , the bloomington ( apartment terakhir sedang soft launching ).

Berbagai fasilitas mewah seperti : JW hotel marriott , wedding chapel , heavenly wellness spa , kemang village country club , cloud nine corporate club , exion mall , sekolah pelita harapan bertaraf international , avenue of the stars , rumah sakit siloam , supermarket hypermart , swimming pool , nice lobby , restoran cafe ber merk , parking basement , etc.

Developer : Lippo group

Luas lahan yang digunakan pembangunan project kemang village apartment dijual adalah 15,5 hectare integrated development.

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