Lease residence 8 senopati apartment jakarta
For lease Residence 8 senopati apartment jakarta : 1 bedroom , kitchen appliance , work room , dining and living , fully furnished by interior design , size 102 sqm , located in tower 3 , common lift , has balcony , lease price is $USD 2400 per month.
To see this unit please contact : edyzen[at]propertypilihan[dot]com or call 087881531238
Address / location apartment : JL senopati raya no 8B jakarta selatan . Near jl brawijaya , jl mulawarman , jl tulodong atas, jl galuh , pacific place shopping mal , Ritz Carlton 5 star luxury hotel , etc. Klik map
Facilities apartment : outdoor swimming pool , squash , fitness center , multi function room , children playground , ATM , mini market , parking basement, big lobby , private guess room , 24 hours security with CCTV systems , etc
Developer : Agung sedayu group
Number tower apartment : 2
1 office building
There are some pictures this unit apartment in below.
Bila ada owner pemilik apartment Residence 8 senopati mau titip jual sewa hub edyzen 0811192961